joi, 11 iulie 2013


Cel mai adinc din doruri
e dorul-dor,
Acela care n-are amintire
si nici speranta, dorul-dor

Pe-un drum ne duce dorul-dor
pe-un drum
ce dincolo de orice calator 
mai are-o prelungire

Nesfirsit e dorul-dor.
Bate-n valea tuturor.

Lucian Blaga

marți, 9 iulie 2013

Summer Camp - July 2013

We all know that summer is the best time for trying something new. I am very glad i got to spend 5 days with great people in a summer camp near Orhei, Moldova. There i could relax and learn more about friendship.

Although we all complained about the bad weather, we all admitted in the end that it couldn't be that much fun with out our "dancing in the rain".

I am very thankful to all the people who made it possible, i am sure we won't forget the time we spent there!!!